Everything depends on clarity


There are two ways to work.

One way is about doing what’s needed. Listening for what you need and being true to that in what you do. If it doesn’t feel right, that’s a sign you’ve gone off course and you need to listen more.

The other way is about getting things done. Working your way through a to do list and ticking things off. If it doesn’t feel right, then you do your best to not let that get in the way.

Like most people, I was brought up to do the second.
But I’ve been slowly learning how to do the first.

The practice

This is what work means to me now. Listening for what you need and doing your best to be true to it in every step. And almost nothing I learned about work growing up helps me to do that.

It’s a different practice. It’s stepping into a world where no-one can tell you what to do - because they don’t know what you need to do. A world where everything depends on how well you can listen to yourself. How clear you are.

It’s a discipline. One that we can learn. One that we can practice together. One that we can master.

The offering

This is what I offer.

If you are trying to work in a way that is true to you, then I can support you.

I can help you find the clarity you need to do your life’s work.

And I can teach you a practice of being clear, so that as your needs change and evolve, you can trust that you’ll be able to listen to them well.

The invitation

If you’d like to find the clarity you need to do what is your life’s work, join me for a clear day.

If you’d like to learn a practice of being clear, then join me for clarity training.

Get in Touch.